Sunday, September 25, 2011

19. The Bitch and The Burr

Desiderius stared at Fyen who was taking swig after swig from her pint. "Reyn sure has had an influence on you," he remarked, sipping his own ale with less enthusiasm.
            Fyen either misunderstood or pretended to do so. "Yeah, I've gotten a lot better with the sword."
            "Yeah... I kinda meant that drinking side. You're gonna have a beer belly soon!"
            Fyen gave him an exasperated look. "You worry about your own belly, I'll worry about mine."
            "Maybe if you put on some weight, you could do even better in fights... but then those old geezers wouldn't be drooling after you anymore," he muttered.
"Oh, come on, you're so enjoying all the attention you can get!"
            "You keep telling yourself that while sneaking those peeks at me you think I don't see," Fyen snorted.
            "Well, that's how I know you like it. There's not a single girl who doesn't crave for attention from men, no matter what kind of numpties they were."
            Fyen yawned. "Since when did you become the expert on girls? You ever even had a girlfriend?"
            "Have you ever had a boyfriend?" Desiderius snapped back.
            "No, but I'm not the one telling you what guys are like."
            "But you're acting like you have all the experience in the world," the youth mumbled into his tankard. "I hope that brunette taught you a lesson though."
            The girl shrugged. "At least I stand up for myself instead of just cowering in the shadows. And in case you haven't noticed, everybody is acting." She took a swig and added: "Well, almost everyone."
            "I don't cower, I just... don't want trouble," Desiderius said. "Besides, you realize it's not your behind Reynaer is watching when you walk away?"
            Still not catching the bait, Fyen replied: "Good! That would be too creepy."
            Desiderius smirked behind his pint. I guess I was sort of right. Girls are born flirtatious. He noticed Fyen blushing a little and drinking even faster.
            "Damn straight it would," the youth said. "So, which supplies we need for the next ride?" he asked then, deciding it was best to change the subject.
            The girl lowered her tankard. "Food I guess, don't know about what else they're gonna get."
            "And at this hour. Look, half the town must be wasted by now," Desiderius said and looked around.
            "Yes and I'm trying to join them," the girl said.
            "Little miss tough-butt," Desiderius snorted under his breath.
            Suddenly Fyen tossed the remaining ale along with the wooden tankard at Desiderius. She scrambled up, her eyes flaring. "You really are an annoying prat, aren't you?"
            Then she turned on her heels and stomped out into the night. Desiderius stood up too and ran after her. He was not going to let her out of sight because he was certain Fyen would do something rash again and cause gray hairs to Mirlín and Reynaer. He caught up with her, still carrying his tankard.
            However, the barmaid was running after him. "Stop! Thief!"
            Two men, who had been standing about, looked at Desiderius and grabbed him by the shoulders. The young man yelped in a futile attempt to break free, then he accidentally threw the tankard at the other man's face, managing to release himself from their grips. Feeling his only chance had come, the youth stomped on the other one's foot and started off fast towards Fyen.
            "I'm not letting you out of my sight!" he cried.
            The two men were now chasing after him. Fyen turned to the young man, who was still running, and yelled: "What the hell do you want? Why don't you just leave me alone?"
            "Because... you will... make Mirlín... mad again!" Desiderius shouted breathlessly. Then he had to run past Fyen in order to shake two men off his heels.
            "Mirlín didn’t make you my babysitter and I damn well don’t need one!" the girl shouted after him.
Desiderius disappeared behind a corner and the two men followed him there. After a while they came out, shaking their heads. Soon Desiderius slunk back into sight.
            He walked to the Fyen, looking and smelling like a soiled puppy. "Please?"
Finally the girl heaved a frustrated sigh. "Fine. Just don't go out of your damn way to get on my nerves." Then she sniffed the air and wrinkled her nose. "What reeks?"
            Quickly Desiderius brushed an apple peel off his shoulder. "I dunno," he shrugged.
Fyen looked around, apparently trying to decide where to go next, and then started towards another tavern, Desiderius skittering behind her.

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